Good morning! It's a lovely winter morning here in Tennessee. Snow is falling, but not sticking, which is the best way to have snow.
This is my daughter's first Christmas, and I had to have something too stinkin' cute to do for her first Christmas. Plus, once we decided on this tutu, we thought how perfect it would be for Christmas cards! So, since all I had to go on for this was a picture, I had to figure it out on my own. So, while my tutu is a no sew kind, my friend Christy of
Christy's Cuties has another version of this.
You'll need tulle, a white feather boa (I got mine at Hobby Lobby in the wearable art section), some black ribbon and a belt buckle, and an infants headband- one of the ones you can attach hair clippies too. And since I still haven't forgiven my sewing machine, I decided to use the stickable Velcro for the belt.
You'll want to measure the tulle to see how long you want to make the tutu, and then double it. I wanted Wynnie's to go from her armpits to her ankles, so that's 20", which means I cut my tulle 40". I doubled up the tulle and stuck the bite through the headband and pulled the tails through. I kept the tulle on the bottom end so I could thread the boa through the top of the headband. I ended up threading two layers to make it look fuller since I used a pretty dinky boa. The benefit of using the headband is that it's adjustable and so can fit a variety of different waist sizes, which means that as long as my super skinny mini stays super skinny, I can use the tutu for a few years, and all I have to do is adjust the boa.

Obviously, my poor daughter is traumatized. LOL She's teething, poor kid, and we're not sure if she's got 3 or 5 teeth coming in at the same time, but the point is that there's not a single thing that really made her happy last night. But, there's the tutu on my model. My next step is to thread my gorgeous ruffly black ribbon through the bling belt buckle I found (also at Hobby Lobby) and attach it. That's where the Velcro comes it. BUT, y'all will have to wait for the finished product. I ordered a Grinch diaper (I cloth diaper, BTW) to go under the tutu and I won't take any pictures of the finished product until that comes in!